Kamis, 21 Oktober 2010

Malam-malam,,baru pulang nonton d XXI GM sama habibi, mbak tata,mas adip, mas adip, mbak mutia,  mbak ajeng n mas resa.. nonton film RED,,bagus ( aslinya saya sedikit anti sm yang namanya film-film tembak-tembakan )... tapi seru juga,,,
pulang nya,,niat mau nge lab alias nugas,,eh malah geje,,buka ini,buka itu....niat pngen nugas,,tp terpaksa ni kepala pengen relax gr2 seharian sibuk PKM ( go PKM go PKM )...
Eh,bang Isan OL.. sapa aha,,udah lama..mau nanya,,tes kerjanya gmnn...tapi,,ntah harus sebel ato gak,,malah jd gni ...

(9:53:17 PM) power_girl142002: bang
(9:53:22 PM) power_girl142002: pim udah pngumuman ?
(9:46:46 PM) ichsanworld: yo
(9:46:50 PM) ichsanworld: belom
(9:46:57 PM) ichsanworld: biar aj lama2
(9:47:01 PM) ichsanworld: makin lama makin bagus
(9:47:05 PM) ichsanworld: hehe
(9:55:35 PM) power_girl142002: yaaah
(9:55:38 PM) power_girl142002: modem :(
(9:56:24 PM) ichsanworld: haha
(9:56:32 PM) ichsanworld: sabar ya :P
(9:58:48 PM) power_girl142002: :((
(9:58:56 PM) power_girl142002: gak jelas tu PIM
(9:58:59 PM) power_girl142002: ntah apa pun mau
(9:59:03 PM) power_girl142002: memutuskan karir
(9:59:11 PM) power_girl142002: cita2 yg keren dkit lah
(9:59:13 PM) power_girl142002: hahaha
(9:59:24 PM) power_girl142002: plg gak,,5 tahun kerja bisa beli mobil
(9:59:29 PM) power_girl142002: jgn kan mobil
(9:59:39 PM) power_girl142002: calon istri aja blm punya
(9:59:43 PM) power_girl142002: hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
(9:59:49 PM) power_girl142002: :D :D :D :D
(9:59:52 PM) ichsanworld: ?
(10:00:05 PM) ichsanworld: maksud qe memutuskan karir?
(10:00:07 PM) ichsanworld: haha
(10:00:16 PM) ichsanworld: apa perlu diulang
(10:00:20 PM) power_girl142002: bagi dek lia
(10:00:29 PM) power_girl142002: karir itu
(10:00:47 PM) ichsanworld: cewek itu, valuenya dari segala hal menurun mulai umur 25
(10:00:54 PM) power_girl142002: bukan hanya sekedar punya uang banyak, [punya jabatan n kerja d tempat bagus
(10:01:10 PM) ichsanworld: pria, valuenya meningkat terus...
(10:01:20 PM) power_girl142002: tp berguna bagi org yg mmbutuhkan dan lingkungan sekitar
(10:01:27 PM) ichsanworld: trus hubunganny apa?
(10:01:36 PM) power_girl142002: itu bruTOP
(10:01:40 PM) power_girl142002: kalo di pim
(10:01:47 PM) power_girl142002: mau gmn ??
(10:01:59 PM) ichsanworld: haha
(10:02:05 PM) power_girl142002: gaji terbatas buat nabung n kbthn kluarga
(10:02:07 PM) ichsanworld: qe belum tau apa2 ttg real world
(10:02:12 PM) power_girl142002: hahaha
(10:02:14 PM) power_girl142002: gapapa
(10:02:21 PM) power_girl142002: yg pntg aq punya cita2 n impian
(10:02:24 PM) power_girl142002: setidaknya
(10:02:31 PM) power_girl142002: nikah d umur 23 ato 24
(10:02:32 PM) ichsanworld: gpp, masih anak kuliahan
(10:02:41 PM) ichsanworld: ini ab copas ya
(10:02:44 PM) power_girl142002: n punya mobil d usia 27 plg te;at
(10:03:01 PM) ichsanworld: kira2 lima tahun kita liat
(10:03:14 PM) power_girl142002: 5 tahun dr skrg ?
(10:03:16 PM) power_girl142002: sapa ?
(10:03:17 PM) power_girl142002: oke
(10:03:24 PM) power_girl142002: printscreen ja
(10:03:28 PM) power_girl142002: tambah semangat dek lia
(10:03:34 PM) ichsanworld: lgpula qe salah kali, kerja di PIM itu option yg salah
(10:03:50 PM) ichsanworld: (makanya itu ab bilang qe belum tau apa2 ttg real world)
(10:04:42 PM) ichsanworld: wajar sih, anak2 ITB yg masih kuliah jg banyak yg gak tau real world itu gimana, apalagi anak ITS
(10:04:49 PM) ichsanworld: :))
(10:04:58 PM) power_girl142002: ejek aja ank ITS
(10:05:10 PM) power_girl142002: tp xory man,,jgn samakan saya dgn cewek ITS lainnya
(10:05:17 PM) power_girl142002: hahahahahaha
(10:05:24 PM) power_girl142002: btw
(10:05:36 PM) ichsanworld: haha
(10:06:58 PM) ichsanworld: ya ya
(10:07:15 PM) power_girl142002: eh btw
(10:07:17 PM) power_girl142002: ni real
(10:07:19 PM) ichsanworld: kuliah dulu yg benar sana
(10:07:24 PM) power_girl142002: dek lia kan ikut PKM
(10:07:31 PM) power_girl142002: tau kan PKM?
(10:07:38 PM) power_girl142002: trs cari doesn pembimbing
(10:07:41 PM) power_girl142002: febi namanya
(10:07:44 PM) power_girl142002: dlu di ITS
(10:07:49 PM) power_girl142002: *ITB

(10:07:52 PM) ichsanworld: nikmati fake thing about life while you're still in college
(10:07:52 PM) power_girl142002: informatika
(10:08:04 PM) power_girl142002: masak
(10:08:08 PM) ichsanworld: apa PKM?
(10:08:13 PM) power_girl142002: hahaha
(10:08:22 PM) power_girl142002: gini ank ITB gak tau PKM
(10:08:25 PM) power_girl142002: pantesan
(10:08:33 PM) power_girl142002: dosen itu sm bngung nya kyk bang isan
(10:08:35 PM) ichsanworld: istilah kampung
(10:08:39 PM) ichsanworld: wajar gak tau
(10:08:50 PM) power_girl142002: padahal mau konsultasi
(10:08:53 PM) power_girl142002: malah balek tanya
(10:09:03 PM) power_girl142002: bukan mahasiswa keren kalo gak ikut PKM
(10:09:17 PM) power_girl142002: apalgi gak tau PKM
"program kreativitas mahasiswa"
(10:09:20 PM) power_girl142002: gagasan tertu;is
(10:09:24 PM) ichsanworld: student research?
(10:09:25 PM) power_girl142002: yang di danai DIKTI
(10:09:31 PM) power_girl142002: ya
(10:09:33 PM) ichsanworld: owh
(10:09:33 PM) power_girl142002: mirip gt
(10:09:35 PM) ichsanworld: sori ya
(10:09:41 PM) power_girl142002: tp dr pusat namanya PKM

(10:09:45 PM) ichsanworld: anak2 ITB (bukan ab, ab malas)
(10:09:45 PM) power_girl142002: bukan sok2 inggris
(10:09:53 PM) ichsanworld: ikutnya yg internasional
(10:10:04 PM) power_girl142002: sayank ya
(10:10:11 PM) power_girl142002: punya dalam negri aja gak tau
(10:10:15 PM) power_girl142002: ckk,,,ckk,,ckk
(10:10:20 PM) ichsanworld: biar yg level gitu buat kalian2 aj
(10:11:09 PM) power_girl142002: iya lah
(10:11:11 PM) power_girl142002: gapapa
(10:12:15 PM) ichsanworld: balik ke tadi
(10:12:29 PM) ichsanworld: PKM itu dulu bukan itu namanya
(10:12:44 PM) ichsanworld: beda dulu
(10:12:48 PM) ichsanworld: tapi sama aja lah
(10:13:06 PM) ichsanworld: gitu anak kemaren sore...
(10:13:18 PM) power_girl142002: >:P
(10:13:33 PM) ichsanworld: what you know, still can't be compare tu your lecture...
(10:14:33 PM) ichsanworld: if you thing you're better than your lecture or senior, that's mean...you still anak kemaren sore
(10:15:30 PM) ichsanworld: cause, experienced people, know what they deal with, and know how difficult and hard it is
(10:16:53 PM) power_girl142002: yaaaa
(10:17:19 PM) power_girl142002: enak aja bilang org ank kmren sore
(10:18:39 PM) power_girl142002: but not all older people always right
(10:18:47 PM) power_girl142002: >:P
(10:19:46 PM) ichsanworld: no one say older always right
(10:20:57 PM) ichsanworld: bcause has done a wrong thing early, that makes experienced know what is wrong and right
(10:21:20 PM) ichsanworld: but not all can learnt
(10:21:48 PM) ichsanworld: but still in these case, you are anak kemaren sore
(10:22:16 PM) power_girl142002: yoiyo pak tua
(10:22:17 PM) power_girl142002: hahaha
(10:22:34 PM) ichsanworld: cause you're still life in fake life condition, with simple younger thought
(10:22:41 PM) ichsanworld: haha
(10:22:48 PM) ichsanworld: satu lg
(10:23:32 PM) ichsanworld: jgn harap bisa sukses di karir, kalo hari gini nonton pelem di dvd masih pake subtitle
(10:23:45 PM) power_girl142002: prett
(10:23:47 PM) power_girl142002: hahaha
(10:23:57 PM) ichsanworld: gak bisa baca, tulis, dengar selancar bahasa aceh
(10:24:02 PM) ichsanworld: udah lah ke laut aj
(10:24:06 PM) power_girl142002: ah
(10:24:08 PM) power_girl142002: gak juga
(10:24:17 PM) power_girl142002: megawati aja gak bs apa2 jd presiden
(10:24:19 PM) power_girl142002: hahahaha
(10:24:37 PM) ichsanworld: tapi dia punya apa2
(10:24:38 PM) ichsanworld: :P
(10:24:52 PM) power_girl142002: DAN SAYA JUGA PUNYA APA2
(10:24:56 PM) ichsanworld: mantan anak pres ke-1 RI
(10:25:04 PM) ichsanworld: banyak warisan duit
(10:25:05 PM) ichsanworld: :P
(10:25:07 PM) power_girl142002: sapa bilang b ingr satu2nya modal
(10:25:16 PM) power_girl142002: DAN SAYA BISA LEBIH DR DIA
(10:25:34 PM) power_girl142002: ALLAH itu ciptain banyak hal d muka bumi
(10:25:44 PM) power_girl142002: semua bisa d manfaatkan utk mncari rezeki
(10:25:56 PM) power_girl142002: wlpun
(10:26:01 PM) power_girl142002: saya tau b ingr itu PERLU
(10:26:13 PM) power_girl142002: tp..saya punya target lain selain itu
(10:26:17 PM) power_girl142002: setidaknya
(10:26:22 PM) power_girl142002: merasa lumpuh d satu sisi
(10:26:40 PM) power_girl142002: saya mampu berjalan di target lain
(10:26:44 PM) power_girl142002: yaaa
(10:26:54 PM) power_girl142002: mahasiswa itu beda2
(10:27:01 PM) power_girl142002: study oriented
(10:27:07 PM) power_girl142002: fashion oriented
(10:27:15 PM) power_girl142002: ogrnztion oriented
(10:27:17 PM) power_girl142002: bla2
(10:27:20 PM) power_girl142002: hahahahahahahaha
(10:27:20 PM) ichsanworld: haha
(10:27:24 PM) power_girl142002: setidaknya
(10:27:29 PM) power_girl142002: b isan jaman mahasiwa
(10:27:40 PM) power_girl142002: beda sm dek lia jd mahasiswa
(10:27:49 PM) power_girl142002: SAYA : IP lumayan
(10:27:49 PM) ichsanworld: so simple...with your thought sista
(10:27:58 PM) ichsanworld: ck.ck
(10:28:00 PM) power_girl142002: SAY : tau bagaimanaa mengajar junior
(10:28:16 PM) power_girl142002: SAYA : jd org pntg d organisasi
(10:28:22 PM) ichsanworld: jgn diadu, nyesal nanti kalo ab lempar balik
(10:28:39 PM) power_girl142002: hahaha
(10:28:41 PM) power_girl142002: yaa
(10:28:42 PM) power_girl142002: tau
(10:28:43 PM) power_girl142002: tapi
(10:28:45 PM) power_girl142002: plis
(10:28:51 PM) power_girl142002: jgn menilai org dr satu sisi
(10:28:53 PM) ichsanworld: tapi gak usah diback lah
(10:29:06 PM) ichsanworld: maklum, lg sama anak kemaren sore
(10:29:18 PM) power_girl142002: dek lia gak merasa terkalahkan
(10:29:23 PM) power_girl142002: terserah
(10:29:28 PM) power_girl142002: omong apa jg
(10:29:34 PM) ichsanworld: haha
(10:29:37 PM) power_girl142002: setiap org
(10:29:51 PM) power_girl142002: punya rute jalan yg beda2 utk mncaai kesuksesan nya
(10:30:00 PM) power_girl142002: dan SAYA berbeda dgn ANDA

(10:30:11 PM) ichsanworld: haha
(10:30:17 PM) power_girl142002: walaupun hrs dkatain ank kemaren sore
(10:30:21 PM) power_girl142002: setidaknya
(10:30:56 PM) power_girl142002: saya 100 tingkat lebih bagus "ank kemaren sorenya " d bandingkan ANDA dullu jaman msh jd ank "knmren sore "
(10:31:00 PM) ichsanworld: haha
(10:31:06 PM) power_girl142002: semoga bs flash back
(10:31:09 PM) power_girl142002: hhmmmm...
(10:31:12 PM) power_girl142002: susah jg
(10:31:18 PM) power_girl142002: bicara sm org tua
(10:31:22 PM) power_girl142002: buntu
(10:31:27 PM) power_girl142002: >:P
(10:32:29 PM) ichsanworld: one thing, a success peolple can't easily get fished
(10:33:21 PM) ichsanworld: and you get fished sista, emotionally control...that's how to deal with people
(10:34:16 PM) ichsanworld: especially when you go into bussiness
(10:36:23 PM) ichsanworld: if i'm your competitor/costumer, you will damned sista (without emotionally and psychologically control)
(10:36:26 PM) ichsanworld: :P
(10:37:49 PM) power_girl142002: xory lama
(10:37:50 PM) power_girl142002: pipis
(10:37:55 PM) power_girl142002: ya
(10:37:59 PM) power_girl142002: bener
(10:38:05 PM) power_girl142002: tp saya sdg tidak emosi
(10:38:10 PM) power_girl142002: hanya MENEGASKAN
(10:38:21 PM) power_girl142002: kalo sy tdk setuju dgn penilaian anda
(10:38:27 PM) power_girl142002: lebih tepatnya
(10:38:32 PM) power_girl142002: cara anda menilai org
(10:42:41 PM) ichsanworld: who judge who?
(10:43:26 PM) ichsanworld: just tell, what you've been trough now
(10:44:34 PM) ichsanworld: will absolutely different with the life when you graduated
(10:44:45 PM) power_girl142002: iya
(10:44:49 PM) power_girl142002: saya mengalah
(10:44:51 PM) power_girl142002: sudahlah
(10:44:59 PM) power_girl142002: tolong d printscreen ya
(10:45:12 PM) power_girl142002: usia saya skrg tepat 20 tahun
(10:45:26 PM) ichsanworld: ah, no need
(10:45:38 PM) power_girl142002: aoakan d umur 25 saya sdh pny suami, pekerjaan, dan bisnis
(10:45:39 PM) ichsanworld: life is about learn
(10:45:41 PM) power_girl142002: satu lg
(10:45:43 PM) power_girl142002: mobil
(10:45:47 PM) power_girl142002: printscreen
(10:45:53 PM) power_girl142002: kalo ngmong2 kan capek jg
(10:46:11 PM) ichsanworld: amin, that's good if you can get that
(10:46:32 PM) ichsanworld: you're happy i'm happy also
(10:47:07 PM) ichsanworld: but one thing, life is just not about material thing and achievment
(10:48:27 PM) ichsanworld: gratefull
(10:48:37 PM) ichsanworld: that's will makes u happy
(10:48:40 PM) power_girl142002: >:P
(10:49:54 PM) ichsanworld: no need to makes people look at you and always appraise you
(10:50:07 PM) ichsanworld: cause that's never ending
(10:50:21 PM) power_girl142002: mmmm
(10:50:24 PM) power_girl142002: makanya
(10:50:30 PM) power_girl142002: td t jgn nge judge
(10:50:37 PM) power_girl142002: niat ceramahin ya monggo
(10:50:43 PM) power_girl142002: sy aklan denganr
(10:51:08 PM) ichsanworld: gratefull and do your best, you'll happy and get everything what you want without being stressed and greedy
(10:51:17 PM) ichsanworld: haha
(10:51:53 PM) ichsanworld: so hardheaded and high pride...
(10:52:29 PM) ichsanworld: we're same (of course, same DNA)
(10:53:14 PM) power_girl142002: oke
(10:53:16 PM) ichsanworld: ya sud lah
(10:53:20 PM) power_girl142002: hx for ur advice
(10:53:48 PM) ichsanworld: enjoy life, study hard, pray well
(10:54:39 PM) ichsanworld: everything about life you'll learn in line with with your age
(10:56:00 PM) ichsanworld: udah ah mau bobo
(10:56:44 PM) ichsanworld: kuliah yg benar! gjn bandel ama lupa shalat
(10:56:47 PM) ichsanworld: :))
(10:57:16 PM) power_girl142002: ;)
(10:57:51 PM) ichsanworld: adios!!

apa saya termasuk org yg sulit dinasehati ???
ato hanya sekedar mmpertahankan prinsip ???
tapi dr kecil...abang selalu jd contoh,,d banding2kan lebih tepatnya... :(

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